Solana: Where to find latest syntax for Rust metaplex to add metadata to spl token? - Cloture & Carrelage

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Solana: Where to find latest syntax for Rust metaplex to add metadata to spl token?

I can provide you with an article on how to add metadata to SPL (Solana token) using Rust and Metaplex.

Adding metadata to Spl tokens using Rust and Metaplex

In this article, we’ll look at how to add metadata to Solana tokens using Rust and the Metaplex protocol. This is especially useful for creating non-interchangeable assets that require unique identifiers or information about their owner.

Solana: Where to find latest syntax for Rust metaplex to add metadata to spl token?


Before you begin, make sure you have the following installed:

  • Rust (version 1.62 or later)
  • Metaplex (version 0.9.0 or land)

You can install them using Cargo, Rust’s package manager:

cargo install --dev solana-sdk

Configuring the Solana node

To use Metaplex with your Solana host, you will need to configure it. Here’s how to do it:

  • Install the solana-cli' package and create a new Solana account in the CLI:

solana login

  • Create a new program using the solana-program’ package:

solana program new my_program --rust-sdk-version=1.62 --type Rust Program

Creating a new token

Let’s create a new token with some metadata:


use solana_program::{





use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};

pub struct MyToken {

pub id: u64,

pub name: String,

pub description: String,


impl MyToken {

pub fn new(id: u64, name: String, description: String) -> Self {

Self { id, name, description }


pub fn to_account_info(&self) -> AccountInfo {

AccountInfo::new( as u128,






impl std::fmt::Display for MyToken {

fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {

write!(f, "{} ({})",,



Creating a metadata structure

Let's create a new structure to store our token's metadata:


use solana_program::{

account_info::{ next_account_info, AccountInfo },




use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};

pub struct Metadata {

pub id: u64,

pub name: String,

pub description: String,


impl Metadata {

pub fn new(id: u64, name: String, description: String) -> Self {

Self { id, name, description }


pub fn to_account_info(&self) -> AccountInfo {

AccountInfo::new( as u128,






Creating a metadata structure from the Solana program

Now let's create a new program that generates metadata for our token:


use solana_program::{





use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};

pub struct MetadataGenerator {

pub id: u64,


impl MetadataGenerator {

pub fn new(id: u64) -> Self {

self { id }


pub fn generate_metadata(&self, metadata: &Metadata) -> ProgramResult {

let account_info = next_account_info();

let metadata_struct = Metadata::new(,, metadata.description.clone());

msg!(« Generating metadata for token {} »,;

// Save the metadata to the Solana registry

// For now we’ll just print them out

println!(« Generated metadata: {:?} », metadata_struct.

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