Metamask: Transfered USDC from Arbitrum Network in Metamask to Phantom Wallet Eth address - I cant access funds - Cloture & Carrelage

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Metamask: Transfered USDC from Arbitrum Network in Metamask to Phantom Wallet Eth address – I cant access funds

I can help you with that. Here is an article based on your post:

Problem with Metamask translation: restoring access to funds

I recently tried to transfer USDC from Arbitrum Network to my Metamask wallet, but encountered an error when requesting access to my funds. The exact problem I ran into is the following:

  • I entered my Metamask wallet and tried to transfer USDC to the new Phantom wallet.
  • However, after clicking « Confirm » or « Execute », I received an error message saying that the transaction was not processed.

Problem Symptoms

Symptoms of this problem:

  • Error messages: « Transfer failed » or « Insufficient funds »
  • There are no funds available in the Metamask wallet
  • Unable to access USDC funds

Possible causes and solutions

There may be several reasons for this problem. Here are some possible causes and solutions that will help you regain access to your funds:

  • Network problems: Arbitrum’s network may have experienced overload or downtime, which caused the translation to fail.
  • Metamask wallet settings: Make sure that your Metamask wallet settings are configured correctly, including the network you are connected to and your wallet balance.
  • Phantom wallet configuration: Make sure your Phantom wallet is configured correctly, including your Ethereum address and network.
  • Transaction fee: if transaction fees were added during the transfer process, it could lead to the unavailability of funds.

What to do

To restore access to your funds, follow these steps:

  • Check Metamask error messages: Review the error messages you receive to determine possible causes.
  • Contact Arbitrum Network Support: Contact Arbitrum Network Support for assistance in resolving the issue.
  • Check Phantom Wallet Configuration

    Metamask: Transfered USDC from Arbitrum Network in Metamask to Phantom Wallet Eth address - I cant access funds

    : Make sure your Phantom Wallet is properly configured and configured for Ethereum.

  • Monitor Transaction Fees: Monitor your transaction fees to avoid additional charges.


Metamask transfer problems can be annoying, but they don’t necessarily mean you’ve lost access to your funds. By following these steps and consulting with Arbitrum Network and Phantom Wallet support, you will be able to regain access to your USDC funds.

If you have additional questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to ask!

Please note that I am a major language model, I am not a financial consultant, and this is not investment advice. Always check that you understand the risks and fees associated with transferring funds before making any decisions.

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