Metamask: SetApprovalForAll for multiple contracts in 1 txid - Cloture & Carrelage

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Metamask: SetApprovalForAll for multiple contracts in 1 txid

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Metamasks: Setting Approval for Multiple Collections in a Single Event

When sending transactions on the Ethereum blockchain, you may need to approve multiple contracts or wallets at once. In this article, we will show you how to set up approvals for multiple collections in a single transaction using Metamask.

Understanding the Metamask “setApprovalForAll” Function

Metamask is a popular Ethereum wallet that allows users to send and receive Ether (ETH) and also offers advanced permission management. One of the most important features of Metamask is the ability to approve multiple contracts in a single transaction using the “setApprovalForAll” function.

What does it mean to approve multiple collections?

In Ethereum, each contract has a certain number of approvals that determine which wallets can vote on state changes. For example, a smart contract can have multiple approvals from different wallets, such as:

  • Wallet A: Accepts contract execution (read or write) for 1 hour
  • Wallet B: Approves contract execution (read) for 24 hours

Setting approval for multiple traditions in a single event

You can use the Metamask setApprovalForAll function to set approval for multiple collections. Here’s an example of how to do it:

// Set approval for all contracts to 1 hour


"0x...", // contract address

{ ... }, // approval object with multiple wallets and durations

true, // set true if the contract can be executed on behalf of the wallet

3600000 // 1 hour in seconds


In this example, we set approval for all contracts (one group of objects) to 1 hour. We define « … » as an object containing multiple commits, where each commit is an object with properties « wallet », « duration » and an optional property « payment ».

Key Parameters

Here is a breakdown of the main parameters used in the example:

  • contractAddress: The address of the contract you want to assign the commit to.
  • approvalsObject: A set of objects defining multiple commits. Each object has three properties: « wallet », which is the wallet address, « duration » and an optional « fee ».
  • set true indicates whether the contract can be executed on behalf of the specified wallet.

Example Use Case

Let’s say you are building a decentralized application (dApp) that requires multiple commits for each user account. With Metamask you can set approval for all contracts in one transaction:

// Set approval for 1 hour and 24 hours for all wallets


"0x...", // contract address

{ ... }, // approval object with multiple wallets and durations

true, // set to true if the contract can be executed on behalf of a wallet

[3600000, 86400000] // 1 hour and 24 hours in seconds


In this example we set approval for all contracts (one group of objects) to 1 hour (3600000 seconds) and 24 hours (86400000 seconds). The parameter « set true » indicates that the contract can be executed on behalf of any wallet.

By setting up approvals for multiple meetings within a single event, you can streamline access management and reduce the number of transactions needed to fulfill complex agreements.

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