Ethereum: Which API provides the logo for a cryptocurrency? - Cloture & Carrelage

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Ethereum: Which API provides the logo for a cryptocurrency?

Etherum Logo API: A public solution for cryptocurrent logos

When it comes to displaying Logo Oricons regarding cryptocurrency, many APIs are either possible or do not provide the required data. However, a certain API has proven to be a reliable solution for Ethereum Logo inquiries. In this article we will examine the Ethereum -Logo -API and its use.

What is the Ethereum -Logo -api?

Ethereum: Which API provides the logo for a cryptocurrency?

The Ethereum -Logo -API offers a public interface to the retrie of the Ethereum logo. This API was created in cooperation with the Ethereum Foundation by Vitalik Buter, the co -founder of Ethereum. All official logo images of the Ethereum Netork are.

How to use the Ethereum -Logo -api:

To use the Ethereum -Logo -API, you can follow the following steps:

  • Sign in : Register will forego the Ethereum website.

  • You can get your API key : once registered, receive as a « API » section and a new API key.

  • Add the API button to your request : Insert your API button in the « X-API key » header from your HTTP request.

Example API request:

Here is an explode how you can have the Ethereum -Logo -Api:




Replaceyour_api_key with your actual Ethereum -Logo -api key. The answer is a JSON object that contains the Ethereum Logo picture.

What is in the answer:

The answer from the type of Ethereum Logo API contains the following information:

* Logo -Url : The base -URL from the logo image.

* Image data : A 1024×1024 Pixel image data (optional).

* Metadata : Information about the logo, such as B. the name and the description.

Example answer:



"Logic_url": "

"Image_data": zero,

"Methata": {

"Name": "Ethereum",

"Description": ""



` Re


The Ethereum -Logo -API offers a reliable and public solution in raw cryptocurrency logo. With this API, developers can essentially access the officer logo images of all cryptocurrencies in the Ethereum network. Also think of an API key of the Ethereum website before asking inquiries.


Please note that the Ethereum -Logo -api is still the development phase and some functions on possibly not yet be freed. In addition, you will be the best practitioners in the best practitioners of the API and Engie complication complication with therms or Apir.

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