Ethereum: Received `NotActivated` error when debugging my foundry test - Cloture & Carrelage

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Ethereum: Received `NotActivated` error when debugging my foundry test

Ethereum Debugging Issue: “I received a ‘NotActivated’ error while debugging my Foundry test”

As a developer working with smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain, it is not uncommon to encounter issues while testing and debugging. In this article, we will explore the possible cause of the “Received ‘Not Activated’ error while debugging my Foundry test” error you are experiencing.

Understanding the error

When the Ethereum test runs successfully, it must first call a contract function with the opcode CALLDATALOAD to load data from a storage slot. This is followed by a single opcode CALLER to call the contract function. Then, two opcodes PUSH0 and PUSH1 are executed to push data to the stack.

The Problem: NotActivated Error

The « Received error ‘NotActivated' » error usually occurs when the test fails to properly activate a smart contract after running the opcode sequence above. This can happen in several scenarios:

  • Incorrect activation order: If the test calls CALLDATALOAD and then CALLER, but not the other way around, this can result in an incorrect activation sequence.
  • Missing or insufficient data storage: The contract function may require more data than what is loaded by CALLDATALOAD. This can be due to missing dependencies or insufficient storage space.
  • Incorrect insertion order: If the test pushes data onto the stack incorrectly, it may fail to activate.

Solutions and Workarounds

To resolve this issue, you can try the following solutions:

Ethereum: Received `NotActivated` error when debugging my foundry test

Solution 1: Reorder CALLDATALOAD to PUSH0

Replace the opcode sequence with this corrected version:

« solidity





This should reactivate your smart contract.

Solution 2: Add PUSH0 before CALLDATALOAD

Try adding PUSH0 before CALLDATALOAD to ensure the correct activation sequence:





Solution 3: Check data storage

Make sure your contract function requires data from the repository. If the contract expects additional data, you may need to add code for a ‘LOADDATA’ operation before calling it.

« solidity


LOADDATA(my contract address)

« `

Solution 4: Check for missing dependencies or insufficient data

Check that all dependencies are installed and sufficient in your test environment.

Solution 5: Use a different test environment for the foundry

If none of the above solutions work, you can try using a different foundry test environment or switching to a different testing framework.

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