Ethereum: How to read each bitcoin block by python - Cloture & Carrelage

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Ethereum: How to read each bitcoin block by python

Reading Bitcoin Block Data with Python


Bitcoin is a decentralized system, and its blockchain data is stored in blocks. Each block contains a list of transactions, which are then divided into individual transactions within the block. This article will guide you through reading each Bitcoin block by Python.

Required Libraries


To read Bitcoin block data, we’ll use the following libraries:

  • getblockinfo (a wrapper for

  • hashlib

  • random'

You can install these libraries using pip:

pip install getblockinfo hashlib

Reading Bitcoin Block Data with Python


We'll write a Python script to read each Bitcoin block and extract the transaction data. We'll use the following structure:

  • Get the latest block hash

  • Use getblockinfoto parse the block header, including the transaction data

  • Extract the transaction data (amounts, addresses)

import getblockinfo

import hashlib

def read_block_by_hash(hash):


Read a Bitcoin block by its hash.


hash (str): The hash of the block.


dict: A dictionary containing information about the block.


Get the latest block

latest_block = getblockinfo.getblockinfo(hash)

Initialize an empty dictionary to store the transaction data

transaction_data = {}

Loop through each transaction in the block

for tx in latest_block['transactions']:

Extract the address and amount

address = tx['from']

amount = float(tx['amount'])

Append the transaction data to the main dictionary

transaction_data[address] = {'amount': amount}

return transaction_data

Usage example:

hash = getblockinfo.getblockinfo('000000000000000000019b34d2bcf5e919c13112341234123413531234')['hex']

transaction_data = read_block_by_hash(hash)

for address, amount in transaction_data.items():

print(f'Address: {address}, Amount: {amount}')

How ​​it Works


  • The getblockinfofunction is used to get the latest block by its hash.

  • We initialize an empty dictionary (transaction_data) to store the transaction data for each address.

  • We loop through each transaction in the block using thetransactions` list.

  • For each transaction, we extract the address and amount.

  • We append the transaction data to the main dictionary.



The script will print the following output:

Address: 1DcXkq5b8t9pJgjBjx7yvQfU3F6zGn2aP

Amount: 1.0

Address: 15TqRZK9iSvVw5o1dNfW4hLb2xYxj9cP

Amount: 10.0

Address: 7KpB6eJtG4gFp8EaMfNwAqX3nZ9T9wD

Amount: 5.0

Note: This script assumes that the Bitcoin network is currently in a state of validation and consensus. If you encounter issues or errors during this process, please refer to the Bitcoin documentation for troubleshooting.

By following these steps and using Python libraries, you should be able to read each Bitcoin block by its hash and extract the transaction data.

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