Ethereum: How can one earn some Bitcoins with minimal skill requirements? - Cloture & Carrelage

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Ethereum: How can one earn some Bitcoins with minimal skill requirements?

Earnings of bitcoins with minimal skill requirements: Beginner’s guide

As a newcomer in the world of cryptocurrencies, bitcoins with minimal skill requirements. Detailed guide to start.

1. Inserting

Inserting includes the use of your computer’s processing performance to verify transactions in the Ethereum network. This process helps to secure the network and rewards users who contribute to their computing power. To insert you need:

  • Valid address Ethereum

  • Wallet that supports insertion (eg Metamask or Myetherwallet)

  • The latest version of Ethereum client

You can start inserting on the following steps:

  • Install Ethereum client in your computer

  • Set a new wallet and connect it to the Ethereum network

  • Connect your wallet to the pool (if you use a pool, follow their instructions)

  • Wait for the transaction to confirm (this may take several hours)

2. Mining

Ethereum: How can one earn some Bitcoins with minimal skill requirements?

Mining includes the use of powerful hardware to solve complex mathematical problems in the Ethereum network. This process is called “mining”. On mine, you need:

  • Compatible cryptocurrency mining or computer

  • Valid address Ethereum

  • Wallet that promotes mining (eg metamascus or electrum)

  • The latest version of Ethereum client

You can start mining according to the following steps:

  • Install and mining cryptocurrencies to your computer (eg cgminer or easyminer)

  • Set a new wallet and connect it to the Ethereum network

  • Configure your mining kit according to the manufacturer’s instructions

  • Start mining using your computer processing processing

3. Participation in the mining pool

If you do not have the necessary hardware for solo mining, you can join the existing mining fund. This allows you to collect your resources with other miners and share rewards. To participate in the Mining Fund:

  • Find a serious mining pool (eg Slush Pool or F2Pool)

  • Create an account on the Fund website

  • Set a new wallet and connect it to the pool

  • Wait for the transaction to confirm (this may take several hours)

4. Investing in crypto-supported assets

Assets such as bitcoin futures or options contract. These investments are basically derivatives of basic assets, allowing you to bet on future price movements.

To invest in an asset supported crypto:

  • Choose an online broker that offers crypto -trading (eg Coinbase or Kraken)

  • Finance your account with bitcoins

  • Create an investment strategy (eg purchase and holding in the long term)

5. Renting your processor/GPU

Although this method requires some technical expertise, it may be a testable way to earn bitcoins in the short term.

Rent a CPU or GPU:

  • Create a new wallet and connect it to the online market (eg Cudo Miner or Bitminter)

  • Set your mining set as directed by the manufacturer

  • List your mining set for rent on platform

  • Wait for clients to contact you and agree to pay for your services


Earning bitcoins with minimal skill requirements requires some effort, but this can be done with the right tools and strategies. Inserting, participation of risks and understanding of a reaction that concerns before starting.

More sources

For more information about Bitcoin earnings, see the following sources:

  • (official documentation Ethereum)

  • Cryptomisen website (eg.


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