Ethereum: ERC721 safeTransferFrom reverts with no message - Cloture & Carrelage

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Ethereum: ERC721 safeTransferFrom reverts with no message

I can provide you with an article that explains what causes the problem with the ERC721 SafitransferFor function without a message.

Understand the ERC721 secure transmission function

The « Safetransferfrom » feature is a critical part of the ERC721 standard, which allows you to safely and transparent NFTs between the invoices. Here is a high level of overview of what this feature does:

  • You use an account that has already sent NFT (the recipient) and an account that wants to receive (the buyer).

  • If both conditions are met, transfer NFT from the sender’s address to the buyer’s address.

  • The transfer is carried out in such a way as to prevent damage to data transfer.

The problem: returns without a message

When you call « Safetransferfrom » without errors or warnings, Ethereum’s smart contract runs will return an error message. However, if there are no mistakes and they still return, this means something went wrong within the contract.

There are many possible reasons why « Safetransferfrom » may return unexpectedly:

* Invalid recipient address : If the addressee account does not have sufficient ether (ETH) to pay the NFT, the contract will return. This can happen if someone tries to hand over a nft from a zero balance account.

* Not sufficient storage space : The sender’s account cannot have sufficient storage space to store NDP data. This may occur if the contract is installed in a low storage environment or if the sender does not have enough ETH.

* Incorrect and to « titles : If the recipient’s address does not match the expectations of the smart contract, then return. Make sure that the titles are bothand 'toto- e.

Example Use the case and debugging steps

Ethereum: ERC721 safeTransferFrom reverts with no message

In order to better understand where the code may be wrong, I suggest you create a simple test case to reproduce the problem:


Import * as eth from '@Ethersproject/Ethers';

Contract SimpleC721Transfer {

// Install the ERC721 contract on the Ethereum network.

Function Installation () Public Refunds (Address) {

// Suppose there is an installed ERC721 contract.

Address Newaccount = 0x123456789012345678901234567890;

Return to Newaccount;


Function Safetransferfrom (address sender, address recipient) public {

require (sender! = null && recipient! = null, "The sender and the recipient must be addressed.");

You need (eth_storage_size (Newaddress)> = 110 * 18, "Insufficient storage space");

// assuming the ETH's balance for the contract.

You need (msg.value> = newaddress.bolaanceof (Newaccount), "not enough ether");

// Install the NFT contract using ABI and address.


function mintnft () public {

// Implementation at NFT must be safely done!



In this example, « installation » is a no-op (just sends back the title of the contracted contract) because we don’t really install anything. You can replace it with its own implementation to relieve and transfer the NFT.

The problem search for the problem:

* Check the contract storage point : Make sure enough ETH has to transfer the data.

* Check your recipient’s address : Check again to see if the « from » and « titles are the same as the expectations of the smart contract.

* Examine the error message

: Check out the return message to understand the exact cause of the problem.


The structure of the NFT market can be a challenge, but it is essential to identify the cause when problems arise. Understanding the ERC721 secure transfer function and debugging techniques will be better prepared to address common problems in the development process of smart contracts.

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